Trans Canada Trail

The Trans-Canada Trail, (48 miles or 76 km), traverses the Municipality of Lorne, links together the communities of Altamont, St. Leon, Somerset, Swan Lake and Bruxelles with thousands of communities throughout Canada.

This region, originally known as the “Pembina Mountain,” was used for describing the west shore of the once Lake Agassiz. The name “Pembina” coming from two Native words meaning “summer berry.”    The forces of water eroded the valley’s ravines that gave the early explorers the impression of a mountain.

If you are an avid Geo-casher, please contact ( for the several sites along our Trans-Canada Trail.   

We hope visitors and residents will take the time to bond with the wildlife, nature, and beautiful landscape throughout the Lorne Municipality. 

Visit their website for more information:    or

For trail information within the Municipality of Lorne email Patti at

The Trans Canada Trail has geocaching spots, click the link below to check them out!

Geocaching Map